Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Rants #4-When guys tell girls to make them a sandwich

Hey guys!

Its Sunday! And you know what that means! Its time for my weekly Sunday rant!

So this week, I'm ranting about the obnoxious moment when guys tell girls to make them a sandwich.

So like, why does that even occur? First of all, like why a sandwich?!?!?! Why not pizza or like a burger or something. Well, I guess a burger could be a sandwich...why not spaghetti? Like, a sandwich??? No, who just likes sandwiches that much???

And like, why do they think girls should just make sandwiches for them. Like why don't you get your lazy butt up and make your own dang sandwich?? Like, I have way better things I could be doing than making you a sandwich.

So, I got the idea for this rant because my neighbor got a shirt that says "Cool story babe, now go make me a sandwich" and I hate the shirt so much! Like that phrase makes me want to punch a wall!

I swear I will never make my boyfriend or husband a sandwich unless I want to, or if he absolutely can not make it for himself. And if he does decide that he's just gonna be lazy and not go make his own sandwich, I might just make it for him. But its gonna look like this....

Yup, plain cheese on wheat bread.

And my sandwich will look like this

Yup, have fun eating your nasty sandwich while I enjoy this amazingness!

Lol, that phrase just makes me so angry!

So anyway, a little girl at my pool almost drowned today, she got knocked unconscious and wasn't breathing. They got her breathing again and called 911 and I thinks she's going to be okay, but ya, scary times. And what was annoying was that the lifeguards didn't do anything the whole time. They just ran around like maniacs not knowing what to do. Stupid lifeguards. 

And then you want to shove your fist in their face. Hahaha
I'm a violent person but ya, I hate that

That would have been the most amazing thing ever. To bad Nick didn't think
of that.

Hahaha I totally do that, but I do read the card.

Guys! Tomorrow's my last day of summer, noooo!!!!!!! I just need one more week, oh well. Its gotta start sometime right? 

Welp, peace out girl scout!
I want cheese!

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