Sunday, August 25, 2013

Hello! Update-8/26/13

Hey guys!!

I feel like I haven't posted in a super long time, so sorry about that! Here's whats been going on!

So, like my enter key isn't working, like I have to push it really hard to make it work and that's just really not okay, lol.

So, currently I am posting on my blog, watching TV (Disney Channel, I'm so cool bahahaha), texting, and watching YouTube videos! I am so tech savvy lol

Quick reminder, please,please, pretty please check out mine and Katelyn's YouTube channel, Katelyn Kylie, we're totally failing in the subscriber department lol, we have 9! Woot woot! Lol jk, I need to stop saying lol.

Okay, so when we get to 50 subscribers, we're gonna do a giveaway so pretty please subscribe! I'll love you forever.

So what else? School starts in 8 days, blah. I'm kinda excited but kinda not, I just want to have lunch with Ginny!!!!!

TJ's birthday is on Tuesday, tomorrow, its technically Monday I guess, it's one in the morning. I'm a night owl haha

Next weekend we have Son in law appreciation day at my grandparents house, also known as, a made up holiday so that we have an excuse to get together hahaha, I guess its kinda a Labor Day party today.

Dude! I am so hungry and I want some chicken, I've really been craving chicken lately haha. I wonder why....I swear I'm not pregnant! Its impossible...impossible I tell you! I just like chicken! Don't judge me! I'm hyper hahaha

K, so umm what else??? We haven't really done anything eventful in the recent days, my mom recently got back from Philly and and and!!!!!!!!!

Yeah thats it hahaha this post is all over the place...I need to go.

Anyway wanna explain this to me? Like am I the only one who doesn't
get it or what?? Seriously, I'm so confused!

Hahahahaha! It really does!!!!!! But you know, why does it have to be a guy? 
Like, it could be a girl with short hair, or she could be bald. 

Does anyone wanna make me bacon and bring it to me??? I'd love you forever, and bring chicken with you, and Dr. Pepper and crab legs and spaghetti, and pizza...

I am soo hungry! And my feet hurt and my lower back is itching immensly! Ugh this is not my day hahaha, k well bye. I hate you all. Just kidding! I love you guys! And I'll love you extra if you bring me food!!!!!!!! And then we can be BFF's and we can post pictures on instagram and videos on YouTube and we can Facebook stalk people, or twitter stalk, but only if you have a twitter, cause I don't. Wow, where am I going with this? I'm delusional! Oh wait, one more thing! 

K so one day, go to Target or Walmart or something and find a Dora the Explorer doll and place her on the ground and then hide somewhere, when someone goes to pick up the doll yell "Swiper no swiping!!" Cause that would be really funny. Man, now my arm hurts. I gotta go forreal now. Forreal, forreal, lol ohhh my. 

Bring me food!!!

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