Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Story Time!

Hey guys!!!

So, today I thought I'd share some really stupid stories of me from when I was like 5 and under because I swear I was the stupidest child ever! Lol, so lets get started!

Okay, so story #1

When I was probably like 3 my mom and my aunt took me grocery shopping and I was sitting in the back of the cart. So they bought some of that like french bread that comes in the paper bag and put it in the back of the cart with me. But then later they decided to get another kind of bread so they went to put the other bread back and discovered that I had eaten the bread. Because like I said, I was a stupid child.


When I was in Kindergarten there was these 2 boys, Devon and Leo, who would always poke me and pull my braids when we would sit on the mat. So my mom told me I should tell my teacher but I said I was just going to write a letter. Of course, my mom assumed I was writing this letter to my teacher because I was a very shy child and didn't really like talking in school. But no, I wrote the letter to Devon and Leo and was planning to give it to them in school the next day, thank God my mom found the letter before I had the chance because I would have really embarrassed myself.


When I was in pre school we had a Christmas program and I told my mom that whoever got a Rudolph nose first got to be Rudolph. So my mom went out and bought the nose, yeah...nobody was gonna be Rudolph, like that was a lie. But my teacher let me wear the nose anyway, cause she probably felt so bad for me cause I'm so stupid.


One day when I came home from Kindergarten I sat down and looked all worried apparently. So my mom asked me what was wrong and I said "When are you and daddy gonna get your divorce?" and my mom was like "We're not getting a divorce why do you ask that?" and I told her about how there was a boy in my class and his parents were getting a divorce, so me being stupid, just assumed that everyones parents got divorced eventually. Gosh I was so stupid.


When I was in like kindergarten or first grade I learned about Martin Luther King Jr. So my mom was asking me what I learned about it and I told her that I learned that he had a dream that everyone could drink out of the rainbow fountain...
Yeah so what I meant was, he made it so that colored people and white people could drink out of the same fountain. The rainbow fountain? Where did I get that from? I'm just so stupid, it makes me sad.

Lol okay so thats enough. I just can't believe that I wasn't put in a mental hospital. Lol, oh little kids and their stupidity. But like, whats sad is that I'm still stupid because once I driving somewhere with my dad and we were at a stoplight and it was a red arrow. And I asked my dad why he wasn't going...pure stupidity. Oh my.

K so like I found 2 really funny relatable posts but I can't find them again so I'm just gonna type them.

One day, our kids will go to a middle school dance & the theme
will be the 2010's. They'll wear leggings with Ugg boots and twerk to 
Call Me Maybe.

Hahahahhaha I hope that happens cause it'll be hilarious!!!!

I hate that when I sit down, my legs flatten out to approximately the size of Russia.

OMG! Words can't explain how much I hate that! Hahahaha

All right well time for me to go! 

Don't forget to check out my YouTube accounts, funtimesfour, and Katelyn Kylie! And follow me and Katelyn on instagram @katelynandkylie

Peace out girl scout!

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