Monday, August 12, 2013

(Late) Weekly Sunday Rant #2-Back to school time

Hey guys!

I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever, remember those Sunday rants I was doing? Hahaha ya I'm failing at them, but anyway, here's my second one, even though its Tuesday. Oops...

So, back to school time, obviously it has to come. But here's whats so annoying, like one, why does everyone go back to school at different times of the year and stuff? Like why can't we just all go back after Labor Day? It would make so much more sense.

And like, why must stores put out school supplies so early?? Like can't we wait until like 2 weeks before school starts. I guess this goes back to the everybody starting at different times thing. But like, it's just so annoying when you're walking through Target in the middle of July and you're forced to run past the school section. Like, no.

And then, why must they have all the commercials?! Its just not necessary, gosh, I just can't spell that word lol. Anyway, its just annoying, like its summer commercials for a month and then bam! Back to school!

Ugh! I'm actually kinda excited for school this year, like I'm just ready to be on schedule again, but idk, I'm not ready for summer to end. Luckily I still got 3 weeks lol. I feel bad for those of you going back in like a week. Blah.

Hahahahaha I know that feeling!

Please someone explain this to me!

Hahhaha okay well I gotta get up at 7:30 blah! And its 12:15 so peace out girl scout! 

Gosh I'm such a loser....

I love you all! Every single one of you! 
I'm so happy right now lol you guys don't even understand. I'm like a giddy little school girl. Lol I need to stop.


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