Sunday, August 4, 2013

Weekly Sunday Rants #1-When people tell you you like someone when you just don't...

...ugh!!!! It makes me so mad!!!!

Okay, hey guys!

So, I decided to start weekly Sunday rants, so every Sunday I'll just have a post about something that bothers me like so much!

Okay, so my first weekly rant is going to be about when people try to tell you that you like somebody who you don't like! I'm sure its happened to us all and I know it happens to me all the time!

So my next door neighbor is like 14 and we talk sometimes and he's fun to hang out with. So of course people assume I like him, even him! Like no, I don't! This is what he just said to me, and I'm quoting him exactly so ignore the bad grammar....

because,its the way u act around,and the way u smile at me wen i look at u while im talkin to ur brother
and plus,u dance around me all the time and u always want me to go somewhere
and then,claim that u said u didnt want me to go
like we all kno that u like me,u dont have to lie or hide it anymore

So I said back....

Dude, what the heck are you even talking about???? Like first of all, I dance around everywhere around everyone, you're not special. And when have we ever even gone anywhere??? You're always the one who says "you tryna walk around?" and I say no! So that was a huge lie. And I was laughing because you guys kept pointing at me and laughing. I don't like you and thats a promise

Ugh! Like, I don't understand why these days girls and guys can't just be friends without it being something else! It's the most annoying thing in the world. I don't like him, I swear.

Okay,I'm done, tune in next week for Kylie's Weekly Sunday Rants!

Its crazy how true this is...


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