Friday, August 2, 2013

Sophomore thoughts...

Hey guys!

Two posts in one night! That hardly happens anymore!

So, I always do my throughout the year posts telling you all about my school years, well as you know I'll be going into sophomore year in about a month so I thought it would be fun, and someone asked me to do it, to tell you guys what I'm expecting and like just my thoughts on it in general.

So, as you know, last summer at this time I was crying every night and freaking out about starting high school, last summer at this time I had also just told Wesley that I loved him the day before, oh my the stuff I remember lol, why do I remember the exact date??? I'm insane! Last summer at this time the next day was my aunts wedding, haha okay anyway...

So, last summer I was freaking out but this year I'm kinda excited. Like I don't want school to start because its boring but at the same time, I really love high school lol.

So, I've heard that sophomore year is the best year because you're used to school but you don't have to worry about college and stuff like that yet so thats good.

Leanna will be in school with me this year, we won't have any classes together but we could end up with lunch together which could be fun haha. Also, Leanna, her best friend Shaelin, and I have decided that we might go to home coming together because we're all losers and won't be getting dates and my best friend Ginny will probably be at a feis (Irish dance competition) so she won't be able to go anyway. We've planned it all out lol, we're gonna go dress shopping together, Leanna's gonna do our hair and I'm gonna do makeup. Haha, then we're gonna go to homecoming and have a really good time together because we're all really good friends lol.

So lets see, I'm doing yearbook this year which is either gonna be really fun or really stressful. I feel like the yearbook teacher hates me for some reason so I don't know, but I'm kinda excited. I also could end up with the yearbook teacher for English which could be fun if she doesn't hate me.

As you guys know I'm a friendless loser so I really hope I have a few classes with Ginny and Michala. So far I'm guaranteed to have orchestra with Ginny and I could have English, PE, Algebra 2, and AP Human with her as well. And with Michala I could have English or PE, so we'll see what happens. It would be awesome to have like a ton of classes with them though so I'm not alone, but my dad is convinced this is gonna be the year I make a bunch of friends, he says this every year though so I doubt it haha.

As for the classes being hard, I'm not really worried. I know I struggled some this year but towards the end of the year I got the hang of it so I think I'll be good this year. I'm not taking as many honors classes so that should be good for me.

I feel like I'm gonna fail miserably at Algebra 2, English should be easy, AP Human should also be pretty easy, but chemistry is going to kill me. Literally, I might not make it all the way through the year. But I plan on studying way more this year, and paying more attention in class and really trying. I got all through Kindergarten-8th grade with barely even trying so I guess actually having to try to get straight A's for me was weird this year, but now I know and I'll hopefully do a lot better.

I also won't have a "boyfriend" this year, well as far as I know. My mom swears that he distracted me so much and thats what caused my grades to fail. She said she's not mad at me because she knows what its like to be young and in love but she doesn't want it happening again. Idk, like, I think she wants me to be single forever or something lol. She really had a problem with my "boyfriend" and she still does which really bothers me. Like, idk, this post isn't about that so I'm gonna let it go now.

Okay, so lets summarize, I think this year is gonna be pretty good, I plan on doing way better with my grades and just having more fun and way less stress. Battling Wes, dance, school, and my family was really hard so I hope this year will be better and I'm excited to see what happens.

I hate that!

So true! I love buying school supplies! It makes me so happy and excited! Lol

Peace out girl scout!
I need to stop...

Lol love you guys!!!

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