Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cats, Giveaways, and Graphics oh my!

Hey guys!!!

Guess what today is...hump day! Hahahahahaha

I can not even explain how done I am with school, like seriously, it hasn't even been a month and I'm already, ready to go. Ugh!

Speaking of school, you know how much I hated yearbook? Well guess what?!?!?! I'm out of that class! Woot woot!!!!!

Thanks to my amazing guidance counselor I am no longer in yearbook, I'm taking graphics instead. So basically I'll get to learn how to use photoshop and stuff like that. I have a feeling I'll like it way more so I'm like beyond thrilled about it.

In other news, I know I've mentioned this already but Katelyn Kylie now has 67 subscribers! I am like beyond ecstatic about this. You guys have no idea, I know it seems like nothing but its a really big deal to me so please go subscribe if you haven't already so that we can reach our goal of 1000 by next August. It'd mean a lot, and don't forget to follow us on instagram @katelynandkylie

So my third and final thing, notice how I did this in backwards order of the title. Hahaha

Anyways, I'd just like to tell you guys that yesterday I became a cat...

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 photo IMG_0208_zps39abd814.jpg

And I have to say, I'm a pretty cute cat, like I would adopt myself. Hahaha

So yeah, this is my Halloween costume and I love it so much. The video should be up soon so make sure to go watch it!

Ugh, school should die. 

I hate this so much

Hahahaha this is so me!

Well I'm just watching some really creepy show and I don't know where the remote is so now I'm kinda scared...
I"m gonna go take a shower! 

Kylie <3

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