Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday Rant #9?-Leanna

Hey guys!

Its Sunday and you know what that means...Sunday Rant #9!

I think its #9, idk, I forgot!

Anyway, this week I'm going to rant about my sister Leanna.

Now of course, I love Leanna, we grew up together and we're like best friends.

But my goodness that girl is so annoying. Like first of all, she is sooo stubborn.

We started watching Glee a few seasons in, so we'd watch it on Netflix, and every day we'd go to watch it and I'd always have to set it up. Everytime I tried to make her set up she'd be like "No, then I guess we just aren't watching it" and then she'd sit there on her phone and play games.

Or one time, we share a room, and we were going to bed and she told me to turn the lights off. But I was already all comfortable in my bed so I tried to make her do it and she just refused! So I was like "fine, then I guess we'll just sleep with the lights on", thinking this would make her turn them off. But nope, 5 minutes later she was fast asleep and I was forced to go turn them off.

Another annoying thing about her is that she has these phrases. And they're always the stupidest things! For awhile everything was "crowish" like what does that even mean?! She said it all the time! And then it was "Bum chick of the nile" like what the freak!?!?!? Where'd she even come up with that?????? Currently its "puking" just everything makes her puke.
"I'm puking because Katelyn said lol"
"I'm puking because Scamp smells bad"
"I'm puking because we're having spaghetti for dinner"

Like just shut up! OMG!

And then if she does something really annoying, and you're like "Leanna stop, you're being annoying" she says "cool"
And then she just won't stop saying it! Just everything you say "cool"

And then theres the fact that she's basically perfect. She has tons of friends, super good grades, the most amazing hair, perfect body, really good dancer, amazing singer, guys love her, teachers love her, she's not shy, she's really nice (to everybody but us), she's just like perfect, to the pointe where everybody wants to kill her.

And that, is why my sister, Leanna, annoys me so much!

I mean of course I love her, but she's just really annoying.

This reminds me of my mom, except for the fact that she would just talk to who
ever the teacher moved her next to. My mom was a rebel haha

So, so, so annoying

So I got out of yearbook! Did I tell you guys this already? Well I'm just so happy about it!! I'm in graphics now which is so much better! And we get to use Mac computers, how cool is that????

My phones being soo stupid, it won't charge unless I'm holding it, like what is up with that? 

I'm currently uploading my black cat tutorial so go watch that on Katelyn Kylie, follow us on instagram @katelynandkylie and go enter our giveaway!


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