Friday, September 6, 2013

First Week of School!

Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't posted at all this week, I've been sooo busy with school starting!

So, I started my sophomore year on Tuesday and its been a pretty good year so far. I really like yearbook and all of my teachers are pretty nice. I have 3 of the same teachers from last year, yearbook, French, and orchestra. So thats nice since I know all of them.

My drivers Ed. teacher scares me, he dropped out of high school and once had his license suspended so I don't feel like he should be teaching drivers ed. But whatever haha, I feel so old taking drivers ed!

So my French teacher is just so stupid, on the first day of her class she was taking role and she's like "Kylie...where's Kylie?" and I raise my hand and say "here" and you know what she said?? She said "Oh! Kylie! I didn't recognize you because you dyed your hair blond! I like it!" Like what the heck, no I didn't. Hahaha she's so stupid.

Yearbook is really cool, everyone's super nice and I feel like I'm going to really enjoy it. The only stupid thing is that I have to stay after school on Monday to sell Popsicles for 15 minutes. Which is like, just enough time for me to miss the bus. Like ugh! Lol oh well. Its a fun class and I really like it.

So yea, overall its been fun. And if you're wondering, Leanna is loving high school. I see her in the hallways and have lunch with her every other day and she always seems happy so thats good.

I think Leanna, Shaelin and I are going to a football game next Thursday and we're also planning on going to homecoming together so that should be fun!

So ya, I'm excited for this school year. It should be good.

If you want to see what I wore my first week go search for Katelyn Kylie on YouTube and watch the video! And don't forget to subscribe! Giveaway at 50 subs!

Well my retainers are making my mouth dry so I'm gonna go drink water and probably go to bed!

This is so true! Have you ever ended up in the weird part of YouTube?
Its scary, one time I ended up watching giraffes mating, don't ask how I got 
there cause I have no idea.

This is so true for me! I always remember the stupid little details. Its scary 

Well, I'll post probably tomorrow but definitely Sunday.


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