Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lake Party!

Hey guys! So we have some family friends and today was the birthday of one of them. So we had a party by a lake and it was soooo fun!

This was my first time swimming in a lake and I was kinda scared but it ended up being super fun. It was the 4 of us, Evie and Wes, and then Gracie who is a good friend of ours, she's 10. And the funniest thing happened, so I'm about to tell you...

Okay, so they had this boat. And me, Leanna, Katelyn, TJ, and our friend Gracie, she's 10. We were all in the boat, it's like a paddle boat. So Gracie and Leanna were controlling it and all of a sudden it just stopped moving so were sitting in the middle of the lake, alone. And Gracie just stands up and starts waving her hands and screaming help but nobody did anything. So then this huge hornet starts flying all around us and just wouldn't leave so we all started freaking out and swatting our hands trying to get it away and it wouldn't leave so we all scream and jump off the boat, in like 30 foot water and so were all sitting there treading water and the boats just leaving so we start screaming for help and none of the adults do anything so we swim back and get the boat but the hornet is still there so we refused to get in it so we all had to pull the boat and swim all the way back to land which was like a 10 minute swim and it was just the scariest thing ever but when we got out we all just cracked up laughing.

Sorry now its just a different font, I don't quite know why lol. 

But yeah, it was just the most hilarious thing. We had a lot of fun today.

But now I'm mad because Ellen starts on Monday but I can't come straight home and watch it because I have to sell popsicles for 15 minutes after school and then go to the orthodontist. Ugh! I'm so angry about it. Lol

True that

I freaking hate that

I'll be back tomorrow!

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