Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Rant #5- Dancemomsfanfics1

Hey guys!

I'm back for another Sunday rant!

Today's Sunday rant is Dancemomsfanfics1!

Okay so let me explain, on Instagram there are quite a few accounts that write Dance Moms Fan Fictions. One of these accounts is Dancemomsfanfics1. Now let me tell you, this girl is the most annoying person ever.

First of all, she doesn't even write fan fictions anymore, literally every post is something about how depressed she is and how she's thinking about killing herself and blah, blah, blah. Like, if you were really that depressed and you were willing to share you'd tell your parents or teachers or something, not your Instagram followers.

2nd, she now keeps complaining about people under 13 being on Instagram, like you're literally the only person in the world who even cares in that world. Like just shut up and leave, all you're doing is being annoying.

3rd of all, why the heck don't you post fan fictions anymore??? Like "fanfics" is in your username! I don't even remember the last time you posted a fan fic.

I just want all 17k of her followers to unfollow her! The only reason I haven't is because I like the drama that goes on in the comments. But seriously, like I just want to find her and punch her in the throat. She makes me so mad! Like I want all of you who have an Instagram to go find her, follow her, and see what I'm talking about. She's just so freaking annoying!

OMG! Lol sorry, it just makes me so mad. I'm also sorry because I can't post any teenage posts on this post because it takes awhile for me to find good ones and I have to go to bed in 4 minutes so sorry guys :( I'll do 4 next time to make up for it.

Thanks for reading! Love ya guys!

Don't forget to follow mine and Katelyns YouTube instagram @katelynandkylie


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