Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday Rant #6- Miley Cyrus

Hey guys!

I'm super sorry that I haven't posted in a week! Would you like to hear my excuses? Okay well school is stupid and keeps me busy lol, and I was sick like Thursday and Friday and then YouTube is just really time consuming hahaha. So yeah, I'm sorry, you guys can all yell at me now. But anyway, lets start ranting!

So, Miley Cyrus. I used to have a shirt with her face on it, I loved her. And she is just a huge embarrassment to humans everywhere now. I'm sorry if you like her but I just can't stand her.

Like first of all lets talk about her single "We Can't Stop" now I have to admit, the song is catchy, but its just so like not something that kids should listen to!

And then you watch the music video and its more weird than inappropriate, like the whole thing with the creepy mask face, like what is that????

Oh, and then the VMA performance, that just made me sad. I was so disturbed, like what part of her thought that would be a good idea?!?!?!

Then we go to "Wrecking Ball" now that is a good song, I really like it and its not dirty or anything like that. Its actually one of my favorite songs right now, but OMG that video...

First of all, why is she making out with the sledge hammer???? Like she doesn't know where that thing has been! I hope she had it sterilized first! And like, why is she butt naked??? And then when she's not completely naked she's just in underwear. Like no! That's weird! Why?? Like she could have had a cute outfit on and I would have had no problem with the video, but no she just decided to be naked.

I miss Hannah Montana lol, her parents must be so ashamed.

Piece of advice Miley, put your tongue away, its not cute.

Hahaha okay, sorry, she makes me so angry.

Bahahahaha yes!!!!!!

I think they do....

Guys, I hate yearbook so much! That class gives me high anxiety!!!! I don't wanna go tomorrow!
I'm not taking it next year, that's final. 

So yeah, I'm going to upload a video on Katelyn Kylie. Go watch it and subscribe! Giveaway soon!!!!! And follow us on instagram @katelynandkylie


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