Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Hey guys!!!

Guess who finally got some free time!! Me!

Since I skipped dance tonight I actually have some time to have fun.

So currently I'm making this post and watching some videos and I will soon be editing videos so make sure you go check those out!

Speaking of videos, Leanna and Shaelin made a YouTube channel called Leah_and_Shae

I think that's what its called. I'll let you know if thats wrong.

So, have you guys heard Dark Horse by Katy Perry? OMG that song is literally perfection, I love it sooo much. Katelyn, Leanna, Shaelin and I are currently making a dance to it so once its finished we will try to get that filmed and I'll upload that to funtimesfour, I'll let you guys know when I do that but keep your eyes out for it!

So Katelyn just barged into my room and started singing and then explanation or anything. It was the weirdest thing ever. I'm so confused as too why that just occurred.

Guysssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm taking my permit test on Friday. I'm only a month late. Hahaha. I'm excited but really nervous. Like I need to get it, I've waited too long already. Oh my. I'm gonna fail at driving though, like its not even funny.

Be proud of me guys! I finally posted homecoming pictures!!!!!! I don't really know whats going on in the last few, but the last one just looks extremely odd. Homecoming was super duper fun and we're definitely going again next year, it was one of the best times of my life. 

So I really need to go edit some videos, I'll try to post on Friday about Halloween and then again on Sunday to do my Sunday rant. And I'll also let you know how my permit test goes. 

Kylie <3

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