Sunday, November 3, 2013

Sunday Rant-my sisters chorus teacher

Hey guys!!!!

I'm so proud of myself, I'm finally doing my Sunday rant!

So this week I'm ranting about Leanna's chorus teacher.

He is so annoying! Okay, so first of all, two weeks into the school year they had a concert, on a Saturday!!!!!!

And it was an all day thing, like what the heck? That's not okay.

He made them stand in a line to get signed in, which is okay, they had to be there at like 9 am or something like that. So Leanna, and her friend Natalie were in line at the right time but by the time they actually got signed in it was 4 minutes past the time they were supposed to be there. So their teacher took 4 points off their grade! Like, they were on time, he can't just do that!!!!

But then here's the even more annoying thing, they had a concert yesterday. They sang one song with an orchestra, the song was like 40 minutes long, and that was their fall concert. It was an orchestra concert, it wasn't even a chorus concert! Okay, so the concert wasn't even at their school, it was at this place which is like 20 minutes away and they were required to find their own transportation.

So that was annoying enough, but they had to do it three times that week. They had a rehearsal Wednesday, so we had to miss costume night at dance, and then they had another rehearsal on Friday, so we had to miss our schools last home football game.

One girl in Leanna's chorus class was like "I have to cheer in the game though, like I can't miss that" and the teacher was like "well you shouldn't have joined chorus then" like what the heck!?

So the Friday rehearsal was supposed to end at 8:30 and the teacher told the parents not to be more than 15 minutes late. He didn't even release the kids until 9:05! So all of those parents just had to sit there for 35 minutes waiting for the stupid teacher to let their kids go home.

It was ridiculous. I mean, the teacher puts on a really good show and he's a good teacher but he is overly obsessed with chorus to the pointe that its just extremely annoying.

I couldn't be in chorus, I don't know how those students do it, like it makes me mad and I'm not even in the class.

Oh my gosh yesssssss!!!!!!!!!

Hahahahah thats so me!

So we literally have no video ideas and we haven't uploaded in a month! OMG!

Kylie <3

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