Saturday, October 19, 2013

Homecoming Week and Homecoming!!!

Hey guys!!!!!

Tonight, is, homecoming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!! I'm sooo excited!!!!!!

But first lets talk about homecoming week.

So Monday we didn't have school because, Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492...or however that rhyme thing goes.

Tuesday was costume day and I went as a kitty!

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Obvi I wasn't gonna wear a tutu to school, so this was the back up costume.
Its funny because I have to be a cat on 4 occasions and I have different versions of the costume
for each occasion. Oh and excuse my dirty mirror.

Wednesday was sport/college day. It was also PSAT day. So that was really annoying because sophomores had to go in on time and take the test but nobody else did. So Leanna got to sleep in and go to school 3 and a half hours late. I was so jealous. But yeah, the test wasn't bad. When I get my score I'll tell you guys what it is, unless its really bad, then you can't know. Hahaha. I just wore a Redskins jersey for this day and I don't have a picture so ya!

Thursday was America day, I wore my blue and white striped shirt, this is the shirt from my second day of school and you can see that video on Katelyn Kylie! But anyway, then I wore my hair in a side braid with a red ribbon at the bottom and I wore Leanna's red Keds. And I did blue and red eye makeup! So, on Thursday we went to the Cheesecake Factory, and OMG that place is amazing. You guys need to go! Highly recommend!

And then yesterday, Friday, was was spirit day! So we had to wear our school colors. I don't wanna say all of my school colors but I will tell this story. So, the freshmen were supposed to wear white but they stole the juniors color, which was navy. So then the juniors ended up wearing black and they were all so mad because the freshmen took their color. It was really strange, at the pep rally they all started chanting "Freshmen are white!" Which was kinda dumb lol. My school has a hallway decorating contest, so each grade gets a hallway and a theme and they decorate a hallway and then teachers vote for the best, the freshmen somehow won even though their hallway wasn't even that good. But anyway, at the pep rally they started yelling " Hallway winners!" and nobody could even understand what they were saying at first but once I understood I was just thinking, they all sound like stupid just bragging. But yeah, in the end of the pep rally it was decided that the Juniors had the most spirit, I don't even wanna talk about this because we really should have beat them but whatever, we, sophomores, were second, seniors were third and freshmen were last. It was fun though! Last night was the game, it was a pink out for breast cancer awareness so we got all decked out in pink. But get this, we lost our homecoming game. How embarrassing is that? The score was 18-27, only our school...

And today is homecoming!!!!! I am soooo excited! Anastasiya and Shaelin are coming over to get ready with us and then Leanna's friends Natalie and Ambiance are coming after that to take pictures and go with us. I'll be sure to post pictures tomorrow and I'm also going to be filming a getting ready video so look out for that! It should be fun!

I'm gonna go watch Pretty Little Liars, Leanna, Katelyn, and I are binge watching that and we just finished season one, best show ever!!!!!!

This is actually makes me feel really bad for the teacher hahaha

True true, very true. 

Well my butt is falling asleep from sitting on the floor so I'm gonna go! 

Kylie <3

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