Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sunday Rant-Walmart sucks!

Hey guys!!!

I forgot what number I'm on so I stopped counting, but as promised, here's my Sunday rant!

So, Walmart sucks, OMG, I just want to kill myself every time I'm in the store.

Like first of all, the place has like 30 registers, why are only 5 open at all times??????

So then the lines are all long, and you can't find one that doesn't have like 40 people in it. And the cashiers are all slow because they all hate their jobs because they spend all freaking day in Walmart! I feel so bad for everyone who works in that store.

And why are there just random displays in the middle of aisles?? Its like, I'm trying to buy milk here, not look at socks.

Its always so crowded in there and then there's just kids running around and their parents don't do anything! Nope! They're like "Oh hey, my kid just knocked over some underwear and now he's climbing up that woman's leg and screaming like a wild banshee, how cute", control your kids people!

Everything is so randomly placed and you can't even move around.

Plus, they just rush everything. Its the middle of October, time to bring out the bathing suits. NO!

Its all dark and dismal, everything is knocked over, and there's always birds flying around, or is that just my Walmart?

Seriously, last time I was in Walmart I was about to murder everyone and then kill myself.

A trip to Walmart just puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day, not even joking. I will always prefer Target over Walmart.

Walmart sucks.

Thats how it is in Walmart, everyone's slow and you can't get around
them because there are sports drinks in the middle of the Barbie aisle

My laptop started being all slow and wouldn't load anymore teenage posts, so yeah, you only get one. Sorry. 

Kylie <3

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