Friday, October 25, 2013

I apologize

Hey guys!

So, last week I forgot to do a Sunday rant, I haven't even talked about homecoming, let alone posted pictures, and I haven't posted in a week. I am so sorry.

I am literally so busy with school, this weekend alone I have 3 projects and the end of the quarter is coming up so I need to keep my grades up.

I don't have the time or energy to do a full post right now, but homecoming was good, I will try very hard to do a Sunday rant this week. I will really try to get my homecoming post up soon but I will do it eventually I promise. Leanna's birthday is on Monday so I will be sure to do a post about that, we have a very busy weekend and yeah, I'm just busy and stressed out to the max.

Like on Tuesday I have an oral test in French in front of my whole class, ugh!

So yeah, I gotta go.

Kylie <3

Sorry, no teenage posts today.

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