Thursday, October 10, 2013

I am so sorry

Hey guys!

I forgot to do my Sunday rant....

I realized this on Monday and I meant to do a late one I swear! But then we had to go shopping for my moms birthday and we went to Walmart...OMG thats gonna be my rant this Sunday so I won't talk about it now.

So then I decided to do it on Tuesday but Leanna's friend Shaelin slept over and we filmed a video and did homework so I didn't really get the chance.

And then yesterday I had homework and then dance and now its Thursday. And I feel like I just can't do it this late into the week. So I promise I will do it this Sunday!

Anyway, I'm not at school because I got up at 5:30 and it was pouring down rain and it was cold. And I was like "no way am I going to school today. Nope, not doing it" so I asked my mom if I could stay home and she said I could, so now I'm home. Whoopee! Hahaha who says that???

So like I'd really enjoy some turkey right now which is weird because I don't even like turkey!

It's raining. I'm hungry. My feet hurt.

This is how I feel about meeting Ellen...hahahahhaha

I hate it when this happens! And I hate it that they used the word retard...
oops sorry.

Kylie <3

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