Thursday, November 14, 2013

Alex and Leanna and they're amazingly perfect relationship

Hey guys!!!!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever, please forgive me.

I have a very important subject to talk about today, Leanna, my sister Leanna, got a boyfriend.

Ahhh!!!!!! OMG! I can't even. Okay, let me give you some background.

So, this guy, his name is Alex, has liked Leanna since 5th grade, they're in 9th grade now.

When I first thought about Alex I thought of him as a total creep because he looked up our address in the phone book! He was always getting Leanna's number and nobody even knows how (sorry to put you out there like that Al Al, but I had to hahaha).

So anyway, Leanna always tolerated him but she never even really liked him as a friend, she's just this incredibly nice girl who didn't want to hurt his feelings.

So, 4 years passed and we get to present time and all of a sudden Leanna started showing way more interest in him. It didn't really seem like she liked him as more than a friend but she definitely liked him as a friend and this when I realized that I needed to step in.

So, (have you noticed that I keep saying so? Oops...), Kylie the great steps in and I started giving Alex tips and acting as if I was this experienced person when in reality I've had one relationship with a total jerk. Anyway, I figured that I was a girl and knew what girls liked and I'm also very close with Leanna so I know what she likes and I knew I could help.

After weeks and weeks of giving Alex tons and tons of tips and advice and also getting Leanna's best friend Shaelin involved, Leanna told us she liked Alex and to say that we completely flipped out would be an understatement.

Now, keep in mind that everyone knew about Leanna and Alex and how much Alex loved her and everyone wanted the two of them together.

Keeping this from Alex was almost impossible but then on Monday, we were off of school and Shaelin was over and we were talking about it and Leanna said that we could tell him. Of course, he's dumb and didn't believe us so we had to FaceTime him.

Shaelin came up with the idea to play the "question game" and we got Leanna to say out loud, when Alex could hear, that she liked him and if you could have just seen his face, OMG it was the cutest thing ever. I swear I've never seen someone smile that big, it was adorable. Meanwhile, Leanna's rolling around on the floor because she's weird and me and Shaelin are sitting on the couch like hyperventilating.

The next day Leanna, Shaelin, Alex and I had planned to stay after school and so Shaelin and I told Alex that he had to ask her out and he said he would.

All day long I was so excited for them, I couldn't even contain it. We were going to meet in the fine arts commons at our school so I ran down the stairs and into the commons, I was stopped by Leanna's friends Faith and R'Aysa (I don't know how to spell her name) and the three of us started jumping up and down and screaming and then I turned around and Alex had literally gotten down on one knee and asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes and I ran over to Shaelin and we started freaking out, we couldn't even contain ourselves.

Of course, word spread around the commons and soon the whole commons was jumping up and down and screaming and freaking out because it was just so exciting!

What killed me the most was when Alex walked over to Leanna, put his arm around her and said to one of his friends "this is my beautiful girlfriend", I died.

11/12/13 is their anniversary and they're literally the cutest thing ever. Leanna will screen shot their messages and follow it with a bunch of crying emojis or just tell me how adorable and sweet they are and Alex is always texting me about how much he loves her and I just die.

Yesterday they were FaceTiming from like 12-7 and it was so cute.

They're just so in love and I can't take it, its impossible to even be near them without wanting to cry at the cuteness.

The whole freshmen class now knows and everyone is just so excited, like its just so exciting you guys don't even understand.

I'm gonna be the maid of honor at their wedding and this is gonna be my speech. I'm not joking, I wrote it in orchestra today hahaha.

I have to include that Shaelin, and Alex's best friend, Brandon, also started dating on the same day. They planned this out so they could have the same anniversary, and they're very cute too, just not nearly as cute as Leanna and Alex.

So to end this I just want to say congrats to Leanna and Alex and Brandon and Shaelin too. But mostly Leanna and Alex.

Hahahahahaha yessss!!!!!!!

I posted this before but its just so true I had to post it again. And PLL is Pretty
Little Liars in case you didn't know :)

I tried to find some that related to the post but I couldn't haha. Also, Leanna, Alex, Brandon and Shaelin are making an a capella (sp??) group and I'm the manager, because I'm amazing lol, and we need name ideas so tell me if you have ideas!

I'll try to do my Sunday rant this week, I'm really sorry I didn't last week.

Kylie <3

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