Friday, November 15, 2013

October Highlights, Coming up in November

Hey guys!

I. Am. So. Dumb

I forgot to do this post, and now here we are, half way through November and I'm just now doing it. Oh my. But what do you say we just get into it? Yeah? I think that sounds like a grand idea!

October Highlights:

  • My cousin Cullen turned 8!
  • Leanna turned 14!
  • My mom age!
  • My cousin Aubrey turned 11!
  • Homecoming!!!
  • Spirit Week
  • First time eating at the Cheesecake Factory
  • Leanna's birthday party
  • Aubrey, Cullen, and Leanna's family party
  • First orchestra concert of the year!
  • My corn is finished!! (None of you are going to understand this except for Ms. Amy, if she reads this)
  • PSAT
  • Halloween
I think thats all, I didn't post much at all during October so none of you even know what's been going on hahaha. I'm such a bad person. So for my coming up in November, a lot of it already happened sooo yeah.

Coming up in November:
  • Permit!!!!!
  • A lot of early out or no school days
  • Shaelin's birthday!
  • My cousin Kelsi's birthday!
  • Thanksgiving
  • CATCHING FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!
  • My aunt Theresa's baby shower
  • Shaelin's birthday party
  • Leanna and Alex!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, read my last post if you haven't already
  • Brandon and Shaelin :)
  • Report Cards
  • I got a letter!!!!!!
I think that's all but I want to elaborate on a few things. First of all, OMG Catching Fire comes out next Friday and I'm crying. I am literally so excited, every time a preview comes on I stop whatever I'm doing to watch it and every time I flip out. I just can't even, I'm so flipping excited.

Second, I got a letter!!!! Most of you are probably so confused so I'll explain, I got a letter for my lettermen jacket!!!!!!!! I lettered in academics and its so exciting and my mom said she's gonna buy me the jacket :) Yay!!!

Also, Katelyn Kylie just reached 90 subscribers which is so exciting, if you are a subscriber just remember that we love you so much! We're on our way to becoming huge and I couldn't be happier :)

Favorites of the month!

Songs: I really can't pick my favorite songs because I love a lot of songs but if I had to pick 3 I'd probably say...
  • Royals by Lorde
  • I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz
  • Dark Horse by Katy Perry
But I also loved, Let Her Go by Passenger and Unconditionally by Katy Perry and tons more

Food: I told you guys about those extremely amazing granola bars, they're called Sweet & Salty Granola Bars and we buy the giant brand. I linked them just in case you guys were interested and I really recommend trying them because they're literally perfection. Another food that I've loved I just tried last night for the first time but its fried cauliflower, I'm pretty sure my dad just made that up but its so good and you guys should really try to find a recipe and make it because it's amazing.

Books: I've been reading 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher. It's such a good book and I really recommend it. However, I haven't been able to read it in awhile because I'm being forced to read Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger, I think that's who wrote it. Apparently this is a very controversial book and I've got to say that I don't like it, I don't like Holden, enough said. 

Oh only all the time. Hahaha

Uh no, it means "Laugh out loud zoologists" duh!

So yeah that's all. I really just wanted to talk to you guys, I feel like I haven't posted in awhile, besides yesterday. I'm gonna try really hard to do a Sunday rant on Sunday.

Until then my dear friends...

Kylie <3

Leanna just walked in on me while I was singing some intense Katy Perry and now I'm embarrassed.

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