Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Get to know me tag, Happy Birthday Shaelin, and Thanksgiving break!

Hey guys!

So today was our last day of school this week and we are officially on Thanksgiving break! You don't even understand how thrilled I am about this. I really needed a break from that place and its not like we had 2 teacher work days plus 2 half days and I got picked up early last Monday and didn't go on Tuesday. Haha, I feel like I didn't even go to school this month, but now I have 5 days off and I am so excited!

In other news, today is Shaelin's birthday so happy birthday Shae!!!!!!

She doesn't like being called that, haha. But anyway, for those of you who don't know, Shaelin is Leanna's best friend but because of the fact that she's at our house more than both of her houses combined, she's become one of my friends too. Shaelin is so much fun, so nice, and super beautiful and I love her like a sister, in fact, I think I love her more than I love Katelyn...
Shhhh pretend I never said that ;)

Obviously, I'm just kidding. Katelyn's okay, hahaha.

Shaelin's boyfriend, Brandon, sang to her today and gave a really pretty necklace. I was going to put pictures of Shaelin and the necklace and a video of Brandon singing but my computer hates me now so I'm very sorry about the fact that, that won't be happening.

But when Brandon sang to her she cried and it was so cute, Leanna and I were dying. I just love, love.

After all of that we went to Subway which is always a good time, we laughed, we cried, we talked about chewing. Okay, so we didn't really cry haha.

We learned that if Alex could choose a super power he would choose to chew silently, we made fun of him. We also learned that when he was younger, every time he watch Bear in the Big Blue House, he wanted to eat the house. I just don't get it.

Okay, so now its time for the tag.

I've had this blog for like 3 years or something, and most of you are my family or close friends anyway, but in case you feel as though you don't know me, maybe this will help! :)

I don't know why this always comes out as a weird font.

1. Do you have a middle name?
Yes! My middle name is Elizabeth and in case you didn't know, it's a tradition in my family to give the first born girl in each family the middle name Elizabeth. It started because my mom and all of her sisters, aka my aunts, have the middle name Elizabeth. 

2. What was your favorite subject in school?
Well my favorite core subject is English, but this year I hate my English teacher so I don't really like it this year. It used to be orchestra but then I realized that I suck so I've kinda lost my interest in that, I'm not quitting though. My favorite class this year is chemistry but I don't think that's my favorite subject, I just really like the class. You know, we're just gonna go with English.

3. What's your favorite drink?
I love fruit smoothies, especially strawberry.

4. What's your favorite song at the moment?
This (wow, why'd the font just change?? Confused.) is really hard for me, I love I Won' t Give Up by Jason Mraz, its kinda old but it never got old to me and its just so good. I also love Dark Horse and Unconditionally by Katy Perry and Let Her Go by Passenger and there's many more.

5. What would you name your children?
For (umm, the font changed back. This is odd) girls I love Natalie, Claire, and Alexa. But I literally don't like any boy names, I kinda like Matthew and that's about it. 

6. Do you participate in any sports?
DANCE! And don't you dare say its not a sport because it is.

7. What's your favorite book? 
The whole Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, its perf. But I also love Seriously...I'm Kidding by Ellen DeGeneres, its hilarious and you all need to buy a copy and read it, and I like Forever by Judy Blume. 

8. What's your favorite color?
So, I copied this from another persons blog and the girl who did the tag said white, like who's favorite color is white? Anyway, I really love colors, they make me happy. But my top three in order are turquoise, neon or bright yellow and hot pink.

9. What's your favorite animal?
I love huskies, can somebody please buy me a husky? I will love you forever.

10. What's your favorite perfume?
Wonder struck by Taylor Swift, can we all just take a moment to realize how amazing that perfume is?

11. What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas!!!!!!!!!! And it's almost Christmas you guys, I'm so excited. Christmas is the most amazing place in the world, its perfect.

12. Have you graduated from High School?
Nope, class of 2016 yo!

13. Have you been out of the country?
No, I live in Virginia and the farthest I've been is Ohio, or Florida, whichever one is farther. Haha

14. Do you speak any other languages?
I'm currently take French, this is my 3rd and final year, and I suck at it and I can pretty much say hi and tell you my name and thats about it. Haha, just kidding, I'm better than that but I'm not fluent at all.

15. Do you have any siblings?
Yep, 2 younger sisters and a younger brother.

16. What's your favorite store?
TARGET! I could spend hours in that store! I always go broke when I shop there!
K, this isn't my answer, its the other girls, but I have to agree because Target is perf.

17. What's your favorite restaurant?
Longhorn Steakhouse ;) or Red Lobster, or Olive Garden. I love the Darden restaurants haha. And Chick-fil-a, that place is amazing

18. Do you like school? 
No, I have to get up at 5:30, stand at a freezing cold bus stop, deal with stupid people for 7 hours, learn boring stuff that I'm never going to need to know, come home and do 2 hours of homework and then start all over. There's nothing enjoyable about school except maybe lunch and Chemistry. I don't understand why we waste so much of our life stressing out about stupid things and learning useless things that I guarantee we will never use in later life. Its stupid.

19. Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?
Macbarbie07, the Shaytards, Krazyrayray, xxmakeupiscoolxx, Bratayley, BrooklynandBailey, umm I could probably think of more but I'll leave it at that.

20. What's your favorite movie? 
The Hunger Games!!!! But I'm seeing Catching Fire tomorrow and I've heard some amazing things about it so we'll see which one I end up liking better.

21. What are some of your favorite TV shows?
Ellen and Dance Moms! I can't pick between the two though. Dance Moms comes back January 1st! Ahhh I'm so excited!

22. PC or Mac?
Well, I have a PC but I get to use a Mac in graphics and those things are amazing and I prefer them way more. I want a macbook so bad.

23. What phone do you have?
Iphone 4s, the white one

24. How tall are you?
Sadly, I'm almost 5'1, why was I cursed with being so small???? :(

25. Any pets? 
Yep! A 3 year old Yorkie named Scamp and a 6 year old Bichon named Daisy. 

So, I hope you guys feel like you now know me more! I really am confused about what happened to the font hahaha.

Hahahaha, this is so true for me. A few days ago I got it in my mind that 
I swallowed a spider and it got stuck in my throat and then I almost puked 
because of it. And then on Friday I decided that someone was gonna die
over the weekend and I spent the weekend worrying about it. Don't ask.


I probably won't get the chance to post tomorrow so I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving!

Don't forget to subscribe to Leah_and_Shae and Katelyn Kylie!!

Kylie <3

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