Sunday, December 1, 2013

Catching Fire, Thanksgiving, and Christmas

Hey guys!

So, I know its Sunday but I didn't really want to do a Sunday rant today, I just wanted to talk about some other things.

So first.

I knew it was going to be good but you guys, it was so good. It was so intense and I knew what was going to happen. I actually thought it was better than the Hunger Games which is saying a lot.
I don't want to spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it yet, but OMG, it was perfect.

My Thanksgiving was really good. It was the first year that my whole family, on my moms side, had Thanksgiving together. It was fun to get together for the day and eat food and hang out. It was really fun. Since I didn't post on Thanksgiving or right before, I'll say what I'm thankful for now.
Of course I'm thankful for my family and friends, I'm thankful for dance and everything else I have, but my main thing that I'm thankful for this year is my YouTube subscribers. I think I'm now up to 93, although I totally made that number up so I could be wrong, but its amazing to me that I have gotten to that many, I know it doesn't seem like a lot but its amazing to me that there are 93 people in this world who watch my videos and I love them all so much, if you're one of them, just know that I love you. And of course Katelyn loves you too.

You guys, today is December first which means that Christmas is in like 23 days, I don't know how that makes sense, shouldn't it be 25? Confused. Whatever, that's what I saw online so it must be true, right?

I'm so excited for Christmas, today we went and did our traditional gift exchange shopping. I had my dad, he is so difficult but I think I got him something pretty good. We put all of our Christmas stuff up which is exciting, our house looks so good. And guys! Guess what we got for outside...a blow up husky!!!! It has a Santa hat and a scarf and its perfection.

Last year I made some sort of winter/Christmas post everyday, well sorta, until Christmas but this year I decided that that was unrealistic and there was no way I'd be able to keep up. So this year I'll just be doing a few Christmas posts here and there.

Katelyn and I will be doing 2 videos a week on our channel during December. One video will be some sort of Christmas video and the other will be a vlog. So make sure to check those out and for those of you who don't use/have YouTube, I'll post some of the videos here as well. Oh, I just checked, we have 96 subscribers which is even better :)

I hate that!!!!!!!

Very true.

So Thanksgiving break has come to an end and I have school tomorrow. Noooooo!!!!!! 

Oh, it has been brought to my attention by my lovely aunt that I did not put my cousin Hadley's first birthday in my "Upcoming in November" post. It totally slipped my mind I guess, so I'm sorry. But yes, my Cousin Hadley turned one on November 7th. And I hope I spelled her name right. 

Kylie <3

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