Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Rant-Catching Fire


Can we all just take a minute to reflect on the fact that Catching Fire came out on Friday?? OMG! I can't see it until Wednesday, sadly. But I've heard from multiple people that it was amazing.

I can't even you guys.

So obviously I'm not ranting about something that upsets me this week, I'm just ranting about the fact that Suzanne Collins should be a billionaire. I can't even. UGH! I wanna see it nowwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll be back on Wednesday to just confirm with you guys that it was perfection and my life is complete.

Team Peeta forever! #teampeeta what what????

Okay, I can't continue this rant because I haven't seen the movie so theres not much more for me to say haha.

Yesterday I was totally the 5th wheel, it was ridiculous, I don't wanna talk about it.

I'm going to eat froyo in a few hours, woot woot!

Guys, Christmas is coming up, but guess whats before that? THANKSGIVING! We're having a very different Thanksgiving this year so I will be sure to post about that, because I don't feel like explaining right now.

But then its going to be Christmas time and I'm just gonna like cry tears of happiness because its going to be so exciting.

Okay, this is a horrible post but there you go.

Hahahahaha yes!!!!!

Ha! My parents are actually more straight foward though, they just say 
"we had kids to clean the house". Yup, thats my parents for ya!

Kylie <3

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