Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Rant-Bad Hair Days

Don't you just hate bad hair days? They're just so annoying, like where do they even come from?

I have so much hair, and its all a big curly, frizzy mess. There's uneven parts (long story) and its really thick and its just so frustrating. Because my hair is so stupid I have to go through this big, long routine to even get it up in the stupid bun I'm forced to wear it in everyday.

My daily hair routine is to take a shower, use half a bottle of conditioner, tie it up in a shirt, get dressed, take it down, attempt to get a brush through it, and then throw it up in a weird ballet bun type thing.

It's a lot more complicated than it sounds, I shampoo it like twice a week and when I do my hair is twice as frizzy and really dry.

So anyway, back to bad hair days. Where do they come from? My hair routine never changes but sometimes my hair just decided to be impossible and I literally just start crying sometimes from frustration.

Like, why does your hair sometimes decide it doesn't like you? Here's my theory, your hair has a favorite food group, so anytime you don't eat enough of that food group, your hair decides to be mean to you.

My recommendation is that you figure out what your hairs favorite food group is and then you make sure you always eat enough of it. Got it?

Hahaha, I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. Long weekend, long day, and I'm in a bad mood.

Sorry this post sucks, but hey! At least I posted it right!

You guys should be proud of me, this weekend I lettered in academics and I got my permit :)

Fun times for kids, and Kylie. Lol insiderrrrrrr

Kinda how I feel right now. Who wants to bring me chocolate strawberries
and season 9 of Ellen and make it better? Nobody...okay...

Kylie <3

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