Monday, December 9, 2013

Snow Day, Happy (late) Birthday Evie, and Gingerbread party!

Hi guys!!!

So today we have a snow day and I couldn't be more thrilled. Like I did not want to go to school today, and we're supposed to get more snow so I'm hoping and praying for no school tomorrow too. School is so blah.

Even on a snow day I have the burden of school on my shoulders, I have this stupid French cooking project. We had to make a cooking show of us cooking some French meal. Me and my partner made vegetable cake, I put way too much oil in it and it was really gross. But today I have to edit that whole video, which I thankfully just finished, all I need is the voice over from my partner and I'll be done!

But it doesn't end there, I also have an English essay to write, yay! Note the sarcasm...

School is just way to much, its ridiculous.

Anyway, my cousin Evie, celebrated her 6th birthday last Thursday, on the 5th. I can't believe she's already 6, she's so adorable. She recently got into Monster High which is really cute. She got these Monster High shoes that she loves which is cute.

Yesterday we had our gingerbread party at my grandparents house which is always a good time. I didn't take pictures this year, I'm deeply sorry about that, but we had tons of fun. I dropped my chocolate frosted gingerbread man on my pants and my Uncle Jake turned Brandon's green gingerbread man into an alien. My family is perf.

Okay, so I am deeply concerned. On Thursday I had orchestra so I obviously brought my violin to school, but then I left there and just figured I'd bring it home on Friday. But then I didn't go to school on Friday because I didn't want to. So my violin ended up being at the school all weekend long, which is something I'd never do because it makes me nervous to leave it. That thing was expensive and I am not taking risks. But anyway, so I planned on bringing it home today. But guess what, we didn't have school. And to make matters worse, I have a playing test on Wednesday and I don't have my violin to practice. This is just grand.

But you know, all this stress is removed by the fact that Christmas is in 15 days! This is just so exciting! I can't wait!

My family and I made a little music video while we were decorating for Christmas a few weeks ago so if you want to see that check it out on Katelyn Kylie! Speaking of Katelyn Kylie, we are one subscriber away from 100! Best Christmas present ever! Well thats not true, the best Christmas present would be tickets to Ellen or a Klee Kai...or both!

Yes please

This is cut weird, it says 'I'm only a morning person on December
25' and this couldn't be more true

Don't forget to subscribe to Katelyn Kylie and Leah_and_Shae and follow us on instagram @katelynandkylie

Kylie <3

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