Monday, December 2, 2013

November Highlights, Upcoming in December!

Hey guys!

I can't even believe its December, like what? Christmas is coming up!!!!! Ah! So excited!

November Highlights:

  • My cousin Hadley's first birthday and party
  • My cousin Kelsi's birthday
  • Catching Fire!!!!!!!!
  • Got my permit!
  • Lots of no school and half days
  • Orthodontist appointment
  • Shaelin's birthday!
  • Leanna and Alex and Brandon and Shaelin!
  • Baby shower for my soon to be cousin
  • Thanksgiving!
  • Christmas decorating!
  • Mr. Magic came back! (Elf on the Shelf)
Upcoming in December:
  • Evie's 6th birthday!
  • Holiday fest!
  • My aunt Mary's birthday!
  • My cousin Robbi's birthday!
  • My friend Justice's birthday!
  • Gingerbread party!
  • CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
I'm sure that tons more will occur but yeah, thats what I know for sure. I'm so excited for Christmas you guys, its going to be amazing.

I really want a NorthFace you guys, like really bad. 

So, if you want to see mine and Katelyn's answers to The Holly Jolly Holiday tag then make sure to check it out on Katelyn Kylie, but I'm going to be doing The Holly Jolly Holiday Tag 2, right now because I can. Don't even ask about the font and what not because I'm not sure what's going on.

1. Do you start your Christmas shopping on Black Friday or wait until the last-minute?
I don't do Black Friday but I definitely don't wait until last minute. I do it all throughout November and December.
2. If you could be in any Christmas movie what would it be?
Elf, just because I don't really remember any other Christmas movies at the time.
3. Which do you like better: Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?
This is hard. I love Christmas Day, obviously. But Christmas Eve is so much fun, just being so anxious for the next day plus hanging out with my moms side of the family and stuff.
4. When does your family put up your Christmas tree and who decorates it?
We put up our tree and all other decorations the Saturday after Thanksgiving and we all decorate it.
5. White lights or colored lights?
White lights for outside but colored for the tree and inside.
6. Are you guilty of peeking at your presents or do you like the surprise?
I like the surprise, but I can't promise that if I found my presents I wouldn't look 
7. Would you rather live in a gingerbread house or in Santa’s Workshop
Santa's Workshop, if I lived in a gingerbread house I'd end up being fat.
8. Tell us your Christmas Eve traditions!
K, so we spend most of the day cleaning and getting ready and then we go to like the 4:30 mass with my whole family on my moms side and then after mass we go to my grandparents house and eat cookies and hang out and then we get all of our presents from our aunts and uncles and grandparents plus pajamas from our parents. Then we go home, set out cookies and milk for Santa and carrots for the reindeer, then the 4 of us all sleep in Katelyn's room for the night.
9. If you could be under the mistletoe with anyone who would it be?
A husky
10. What tops your tree?
We have 2 trees this year, one has a silver star and one has a gold snowflake.
11. Can you name the 12 days of Christmas?
I'm pretty sure I can but I'm not going to because I'm lazy.
12. Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
No, I can't sing. 
13. Do you countdown to Christmas? If so, how many days are left?
I do, we have a countdown thing in our kitchen but I don't know off the top of my head. I think its 22?
14. What are some foods and treats you can count on having every holiday season?
We'll definitely always have my moms baked macaroni and buck eyes. Those are two things that I always remember having.
15. How has Christmas kept its magic for you as you’ve grown older?
I don't know! The whole thing is magical! Everyone's happy, Christmas music playing everywhere you go, its just so great. 
So that's that! I hope you guys enjoyed this post! I'm to lazy to find any teenage posts, sorry. 
I have school tomorrow, can we not? 
Kylie <3
(I don't know what's going on, the font's weird, the colors weird, its forcing me to double space. This is dumb)

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