Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July Highlights, Coming up in August

Hey guys!

Its August! That's like really bad, I don't want summer to end!!!!!!!!

Anyway, lets do this!

July Highlights:

  • First full month of summer!
  • 4th of July!
  • Wes's birthday
  • Both of my grandmothers birthdays
  • Birthday party for Katelyn, TJ, Wes, and one of my grandmothers
  • Saw Monsters University
  • My cousin Kelsi had her baby!
  • Annual sleepover with Maddie and Dylan!
  • Finished Life of Pi
Coming up in August:

  • Last month of summer :(
  • TJ's birthday!
  • Rollerskating!!!!
  • My moms goes on her buisness trip
  • Dance recital DVD and signing up for dance classes!
  • Going to finish A Lesson Before Dying
Man guys, I think thats it, August is gonna be uneventful. And weird because we aren't going to the beach for like the first time since I can remember. Its gonna be strange. 

So anyway, July was a good month, I don't really want it to be August but I'm just going to accept it haha.

I just realized that my room is a mess! Man, if only you guys could see it.

Teenage Posts #
I have this problem all the stinking time!

Hahahahhaha, I so agree with that!

Man guys, tonight was crazy. Guys complicate my life lol. 


Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Lol when I wrote the title for this post I put the year as 30, ohhh Kylie...hahaha

So hi guys! How have you been?? I haven't really written any posts about my day lately so I decided to do one about yesterday.

My enter key isn't working, ugh.

Okay so anyway, as you may know every Monday and Tuesday during the summer my babysits her friends kids, Maddie and Dylan. Maddie will be 10 in September and Dylan is 13. My mom has been watching Maddie ever since Maddie was born, she'd watch her twice a week, when Maddie started school my mom switched to watching her in the summer. Dylan always went to a day care but when he got to old for that he started coming here for the summer too just because he'd be bored at home by himself. I don't think she'll be watching Dylan next year but she might be watching Maddie still. Anyway, we've grown up with these kids and they're a ton of fun so we love having my mom watch them. So once a summer they'll come over on Monday and then sleepover and stay all day Tuesday. So that day was yesterday.

Leanna also had her friend Shaelin sleep over and Anthony ended up sleeping over as well so we had a ton of kids here but we had so much fun.

We played capture the flag and it was so intense. My team lost :( but in our defense the other team hid their flag in a cable box and that is just not okay because its dangerous and who would look there???

Anyway, after capture the flag we went to the pool until it closed and we ordered pizza to have delivered at the pool and it was so fun.

When we got home we played truth or dare and then we went outside for a little while and played man hunt, then we came back inside and made fun of truth or dare apps because they're just so dumb. One of the dares was "take off your socks", what kind of dare is that????

I swear Dylan should be a comedian because he was just commenting on every dare in the funniest way and we were all dying of laughter. And then Dylan found a joke website and read us some jokes. These two were the funniest...

  • Roses are red, violets are blue, I have a gun, get in the van
That made me laugh so hard like, it starts off all normal and just gets real intense real quick. Hahahaha it was so funny.

  • Why was the little boy sad?
  • He had a frog stapled to his face.
Bahahahahaha OMG! Its just so funny, like its the stupidest joke ever and makes no sense but we were all in tears laughing at it. Hahahaha 

So anyway, after that we played hide and seek in the dark and then we ate food and watched TV and then we played Murder in the Dark. Its a really weird game because like someone is the murder but nobody knows who and the murder just goes around whispering "your dead" in peoples ears. The dead person then lays on the floor until somebody notices and asks them if they're dead, then that person yells "Murder in the Dark" and then everyone comes and gathers around the person. Its just really weird. 

But anyway, after that we all pretty much just went to bed, it was about 3 in the morning. 

We had a lot of fun and making the day even better, my cousin Kelsi had her baby! So welcome to the world little Jackson Wesley!

He's my first second cousin on my moms side, I get to go see him tomorrow and I'm so excited. 

So yeah, that was my day, but now I'm stuck babysitting so I can't take a shower and I really want to. Ugh! Haha okay well I suppose thats all.

love, posts, teenage, teenager post, text - inspiring picture on
Okay so I can't even relate to this because I don't get it

See my mom just takes my phone and then reads my Facebook messages, my texts and my everything.
If i'm not near my phone and she is and it lights up she'll read it.
Not like I have anything to hide or anything but seriously, it would be nice if she respected my privacy a little more.


Saturday, July 27, 2013

Happy National Dance Day!

Hey guys!!!

Today is national dance day, so as a dancer I had to bring attention to this.

Dance has become such a big part of my life in the past few years. I started dance when I was 2 years old and I've been dancing ever since. Well, I skipped 2003-2004 because I was going to kindergarten and I thought I would be too busy. Guys, I was a weird child.

Anyway! I just want to take this time to thank my amazing dance teachers, Ms. Autumn, Ms. Jennifer, Ms. Ashley, Ms. Lisa, and Ms. Bonnie.

Without them I would never be the dance loving fool I am today, and I'm so grateful for them.

Don't forget you can watch some dance videos on my youtube channel.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Meemaw!!


I feel bad...

My grandmother's birthday was yesterday and I forgot to post :(

But I just wanted to wish my grandmother, from my dads side, Meemaw, a happy birthday!!!!!

So here's how Meemaw got her name, I always called her Grandma, when Leanna learned how to talk she couldn't say Grandma, so she always said Meemaw. Well my grandmother ended up liking it so my mom said that I should start calling her Meemaw, but me, being the crazy 4 year old I was needed to think about it for 2 weeks, why 2 weeks? Nobody knows. Its like how I wanted to call my other grandmother fashion kitty, what the fudge was wrong with me???? Hahaha

So anyway, I told my mom to tell me when 2 weeks up and she did and I had decided to call her Meemaw, and it stuck. And that, my dear readers, is how Meemaw got her name. However, Meemaw isn't that weird of a thing to call your grandmother.

I love Meemaw, she used to live really close to me but then she moved and then she moved again, to a totally different state :( I got to see her last July and that was the last time I saw her. I miss her a lot.

Meemaw is the one who really got me into American Girl, she didn't get me my first doll but after I got my first doll she got me one every year for my birthday along with their whole collection. This continued for like 4 years before she retired and obviously didn't have the money for that. The crazy thing is that, thats not even all she'd get me, and on top of everything she'd get for me she'd get my siblings things too. She spoiled us like crazy and I just love her so much.

Dude! I'm totally having a deja vu moment, I'm listening to music, Try by Pink and I swear I once typed this post while listening to this song, weird...

Anyway, happy late birthday Meemaw, I love you so much and I hope I can see you again soon! I've been begging my dad to let us fly down there but he said it costs a lot of money but he hopes we can soon and so do I!

Sorry guys, I just went through all of my pictures looking for the one of the 4 of us with my grandmother, but I'm on my laptop and its on the computer :(

Sooo true!!!!

Hahaha yesh!

Love ya guys!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Happy Birthday Mamae!

So, I tend to post on my blog in the early morning, like right now its 1:45, so technically its not her birthday anymore, but yesterday was.

Anyway, I just want to wish my grandmother, from my moms side, a happy birthday!

So, here's a back story about why I call her Mamae.

My cousin Brandon, who I talk about a lot, well not a lot, but sometimes, anyway, he's half Peurto Rican. I spelled that wrong, I know. Anyway, he called his grandmother from his dads side Mamae, I'm assuming thats a Peurto Rican word, but I don't know. Anway! I was jealous because I wanted a Mamae, so my mom one day asked her mom if I could call her Mamae, my grandmother said I could call her whatever I wanted. So one day we were in the car and my mom says to me, "You know Kylie, Grandma said you could call her whatever you want, so do you think your gonna start calling her Mamae?" and I replied with "Umm I think I might call her fashion kitty"

I don't know where my 4 year old brain came up with that, but this post would've been titled, Happy Birthday Fashion Kitty! Like no, I was so embarrassing. Hahaha.

So yeah, eventually decided to call her Mamae, so of course my siblings do as well. My other cousins, Aubrey, Cullen, and Hadley also call her Mamae. Brandon, and my cousins Evie and Wes call her Grammy and my cousins, Sullivan, Kelsi and Robbi call her Grandma. So yeah, she has a lot of names. I wonder what Kelsi's baby, and Cheecha's baby will call her...

Speaking of that! Did I tell you that my aunt Theresa, we call her Cheecha, is pregnant?! Well she is so thats really exciting! And my cousin Kelsi should be having her baby in like a week or so, so thats really exciting as well.

Anyway, I just wanted to wish a happy birthday to my Mamae!


Hahaha yeah I'm good!

Have I ever told you that I hate my retainers? Yeah, well I do! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Random rambling!

Hey guys!

Man! I feel like I haven't posted in forever. So I'm just gonna ramble on to let everything out of my brain, cause you know, this is like my diary that I'm sharing with you guys. I hope one day when I have a family on my own I can find this blog and share it with my husband and kids.

So anyway, here are my rambles!

We made a little skit called Spies yesterday and then we also made a behind the scenes video. The thumbnail for the behind the scenes video is seriously my favorite picture ever. I love it so much! I love all of the pictures at the end though so make sure to check them out!

We've also made a few other videos including 6 Little Campers and Katelyns Birthday vlog so check them out! When we get to 50 subscribers we might do a giveaway so help us get there!

So, so far my summer has been going good. Its been pretty uneventful but very relaxing and fun. My dads off tomorrow so we're going to the pool and I'm putting blue streaks in my hair! Hopefully I can get a picture for you guys.

I've been dancing a lot. So far we have made a group dance to Lego House by Ed Sheeran and Same Love by Macklemore and we've also made a trio to Beneath Your Beautiful by Labrinth. All good songs so make sure to listen to them!

So my 4th of July was pretty good, I don't think I ever posted about that so yeah.

I don't know why I haven't posted much this summer. Like, I became lazy this summer or something because I haven't blogged or taken pictures or read really at all. So yeah, sorry about that, although, I feel like nobody really reads this so maybe I'm just talking to myself, who knows?

Anyway, I'm going to message Wesley for the last time in my whole life. Basically, he's a jerk. I'm keeping a secret for him that I wish I wasn't keeping but I can't bring myself to tell anyone. He called me really mean things today for absolutely no reason and it really hurt me, I can't stop thinking about it. He made me feel like crap, he made me feel bad and I didn't even do anything. Seriously, theres something really wrong with him and I don't know what it is but he really changed. I just want to thank you guys for reading all of my annoying posts about him, trust me, I annoyed myself with how much I talked about him. But I'm seriously done now, he's hurt me more than I'll ever be hurt in the remainder of my life. He's treated me like crap for no reason and I'm finally just done. And what hurts the most is that he doesn't even care that he hurt me, I'm done guys, seriously, I'm done.

Now, on a happier note, I really want a hamster! My parents just refuse to let us buy one! Like no, this is ridiculous. I want one really bad!!!! Lol

So, I don't recommend the book Life of Pi, I'm about half way through it and I don't like it at all! Its so factual, like I've learned way more about the Muslim religion and orangutans than I needed to. Haha.

Oh!!! Today, well actually, its 1:20 in the morning so I guess yesterday, was my cousin Wes's birthday. So I just wanted to say happy birthday to the cutest little boy ever! You're adorable, you crack me up, and I love you soooo much!!!!!!!!! I hope you had a great 4th birthday Wes! I can't believe your 4, you're starting preschool this year, its insane.

He's so adorable!!!!!

I was looking through pictures, found this one, and remembered that I loved it so I felt the need to post it. Haha

I'm sooo hungry! This is what I get for staying up this late! Oh! Tonight we beat the Wii U version of Super Mario Bros. It was so exciting! We were screaming so loud, it was so intense. Haha

Well, thanks for reading my ramblings lol. I love writing so I'm glad I'm able to wrote out my whole life story here. You guys are the best for reading about my crazy, hectic, life. 


Every time. I've been hanging out around Leanna's friend Shaelin to much. Shaelin always says same. Haha :P

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!

Hi guys!

It's currently 2:13 in the morning, and I'm face timing with Katelyn's best friend Sierra, and her brother, Wesley. And we're all bored and tired lol. I'm losing my voice and I'm going to bed soon. I'm also hungry.

Anyway, today, or I guess yesterday, was the 4th of July, so happy 4th to all of my fellow Americans!

I had lots of fun, we went to the pool, and ate food, and hung out, and played Cranium, and watched fireworks.

Katelyn and I filmed a video which will be up hopefully soon. But we still haven't put up our beach vlog, our room tours, or her birthday vlog, we're slackers.

So anyway, sorry about my lame 4th of July post, I'm so tired. Haha

Hahaha yup!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

June Highlights! Upcoming in July!

Hey guys!!!!!

Can you believe its already July??? Its insane!!!! The year is like half way over! Wowzers, hahaha I'm a loser. K so anyway, here's my June highlights and coming up in July!

June Highlights:

  • Dance recital!!!!!
  • My aunt got married!!
  • Finals
  • Last day of school!
  • The beach!! So much fun!
  • Katelyn's 11th birthday
  • SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!
  • And something else super amazing that I'm not gonna share yet
Upcoming in July:

  • First full month of summer
  • My cousin Wes's 4th birthday
  • 4th of July! Which is tomorrow!
  • More pool and summer stuff
I think that's it, but I'm sure more will happen. 

So, so far my summer has been super fun. The only bad thing is, no Ellen :( How has your guys' summer been? 

Bahahahhahahaha! I don't know why I found this so funny but I did. Lol

Hahahaha it took me forever to understand that!

Hahaha its so awkward!

K well, byeee!!!!!!